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(25th & 26th of June, from 10am to 6pm EDT)

Long Donate

Shalom Brothers/Sisters

A huge HalleluYah, for the upcoming United In Yah Event called BATTLE CRY, we are organizing this event for the various programs aimed at helping the orphans and the poor believers who we have been working with for 10 years now. Current project expansion and economic challenges inevitably translate to growing needs, but we trust that, through endeavors such as this, YHWH will provide for His people as He always has.

Thank you for visiting our site. Your concern and willingness to support our programs for the orphans, widows, and poor brethren mean the world to us.

“Who is like YHWH our Elohim, Who is enthroned on high?
He looks down on the shamayim and in the earth;
He raises the poor out of the dust, Lifts the needy from a dunghill,”

Tehillim / Psalms 113:5-7

Aside from the initial relief of providing for essential needs, we offer these women, children, and families an opportunity to attain a certain level of self-sufficiency that will enable them to have a better chance of supporting themselves and their families in the future. We educate them and provide the materials they need to start them off. Then, we move on to other communities while monitoring and supporting those we’ve started working with. We also help to better educate the orphans, so that when they are older they can acquire better jobs, support themselves and, in turn, help their communities.

We also support daily food programs to many orphans and poor believers in 3rd world countries, providing medical care (not medication, but natural means) to lepers and those in need, we provide clothing and blankets where needed and so much more. We are praying this event will help us raise enough funds to cover the expenses of these programs for the next two years. Please understand that you no one receives wages nor are funds wasted on buildings and material things for the volunteers.

“And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not grow weary.”

Galatiym / Galatians 6:9

The BATTLE CRY event is not only an opportunity for you, your friends and your family to
support our orphan, widows and poor (redundant) other(suggested) programs for the poor, it is also our desire that this will be an opportunity for you, our supporters, our family in Mashiaḥ, to increase in knowledge through the people who will be speaking on a number of topics based on Scripture. Here are some of the speakers and topics we have planned, but not limited to, for you:

Among the speakers and contributors will be some of our beloved brothers and sisters, namely:

• James Block – Music
• Exodus Road Band
• Maxine Aldrin – Music
• Jeff Benners – Author
• Todd Bennett – Shema Yisrael – Author
• Brother Ron – Truth Unedited
• Adam Fink – Parable of the Vineyard
• Zach Bauer – New to Torah
• Paul Nison – Raw Life & Torah Life
• Luke & Kayte – The Way Documentary & The Christmas Question
• Lucas Cameron – Dooms Day Prepper
• Max – Brothers in Arms
• Lucinda Gibbs Robinson Author- Health Naturally
• Your support also help these ministries to further their work.

• Raw food and health
• Creation vs Evolution
• The Money System & New World Order
• Virtual tour of Biblical Archaeological Sites
• Health Naturally Dealing With Health Issues
• Understanding Hebrew and Basics of Hebrew
• Modesty for believers
• Survival & Prepping
• Extra Biblical Books
• Biblical Hebrew, Learning Scripts – Modern, Paleo and Proto Hebrew
And More..!

Battle Cry Event Img

This event will be hosted by none other than our dear brother, Robert Lew, and will be via Zoom. The meeting ID will be exclusive only to ticket-holders. One ticket per zoom participant/s, but you can have as many people as you want watching in one place. You may also opt to donate more than the suggested ticket price if the Ruaḥ gives you the desire to do so. If you are a group, you might want to increase your donation (or buy multiple tickets) so we could help more people in need. Proceeds from ticket sales will be for the benefit of the orphans, widows and communities in various poverty-ridden or disaster-stricken places around the world wherever there are those in need.

So please mark your calendars and save the dates on the 25th and 26th of June, from 10am to 6pm EDT.

Please share this link and invite your families, friends and beleivers to join us as we learn new
things that will equip us for the coming days and, at the same time, help our poor brothers and sisters around the world!

Make sure to purchase your ticket/s below.

We expect this to be a refreshing time to share and learn new things. We look forward with
much excitement to being in this event with you. It is indeed wonderful to see YHWH’s children come together in the unity of the Ruaḥ. What a privilege to do this for the Father and His Ben! Even as we gear up to face with courage and patience the challenges that we expect in the latter days, we desire to strengthen each other in the nurture and knowledge of His Word.

“Baruk are the perfect in the Way, Who walk in the Torah of YHWH!
Baruk are those who observe His Witnesses, Who seek Him with all the heart!”

Tehillim/Psalms 119:1-2

Because this is an event for charity, we beg your cooperation in not sharing the meeting details with those who have not purchased tickets or registered for the event. Any participant caught doing so, will be removed from the event along with those to whom they have shared their meeting details with. Tickets are non-refundable. All funds and donations go to helping the our orphan, widows and truly poor programs. Tickets, however, are transferrable. In such cases where the registered person or group will not be able to attend the event, please notify us prior to the said dates so we can make the necessary changes.

Can you please help us to spread the world about this special event with all your friends and on your social media pages, if you can also contact as many people you know and don’t know to share about this special event. Here are the links:

Feel free to subscribe to the United in Yah YouTube channel and click the notification bell to keep yourself updated.

Please like and share the Facebook page.

Tickets are limited so do not leave it to late as once they are sold out we cannot offer more. The cost of a ticket for you or a group is $150.00.

We are offering each person one of the following when you join up.

1. James Block – One Album Download
2. T-Shirt
3. Vain Traditions Book (Hardcopy for USA only and free download outside the USA)
4. HalleluYah Scriptures Torah Book & Messianic Prophecies Book

Our Father and our Savior deserves all the praise, honor and esteem, so let’s join together in
praising Him. HalleluYah!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support,
The United In Yah Team.

No individual speaker necessary agrees with other speakers or singers doctrines or opinions. Please do not judge these speakers/singers on other peoples opinions. Thank you, United In Yah Team

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