Paleo Hebrew mosaic 2000 year old stones from MT Zion Israel

We were gifted these very rare mosaic stones a number of years ago, which were from the remains of an archeological dig in Israel. They have been engraved for us in Israel by the brother that found them, with the paleo Hebrew letters of the Tetragrammaton (yod, hay, waw, hay). He was given permission to take these rare stones from that dig.

We are offering these rare Mt Zion 2000-year-old stones to help raise funds for the Event to help Prisoners and also our 25 year old Torah School in India, run by a Brother from the USA.

This is the message the brother whom we have known for a number of years shared with us regarding these rare stones:

The stones are around 2000 years old from Mount Zion. In the time of the Savior, it was the southeast part of the city and most likely in the area where our Savior had the last Passover with His talmidim. It is also known that this was the area where the first believers in in the MessiYah were gathering. The stones are from the remains of an archeological dig that was done there over 4 years ago. The archaeologists dug up old dwelling places (dating from around 300 A.D.) and then covered the site back over later. Permission was received to take the loose mosaic stones that were found after the dig.

These are Limited Edition and very rare. So kindly get your ticket today.

Thank you,

The United In Yah Team


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