

Shalom UIY Supporters

We are sharing with you some new projects in the Philippines. Those that do this work in the Philippines are very passionate and have a big heart for helping all those in need, without being paid.

A wonderful believer (you know who you are) has donated generously to help the food bank worldwide, praises to the Father for this dear Sister. We will be using some of these funds to aid three new projects that are dear to our hearts in the Philippines:

A Sister we have worked with and known for 12 years will be a part of this with her sister and brother-in-law and their teenage children. They have done this work for a long time now and also do other works that help spread the Truth. This is a passion they have had for many years, and they are also working on getting the Torah and the Ways of Yah into a school program, to have it accepted through the homeschool system. There are no overheads with any of the projects we work with, as all do this service from their hearts.

The other two projects we aim to work with are in other parts of the Philippines they are also feeding and providing food, clothing, shoes, blankets, hygienic products and most of all, a message of love that the Father has for those who are so very poor. We will be adding pictures and messages as we receive them. They all will come under the name ALLY.
Kindly keep all these projects in your prayers.

Thank you,
United In Yah Team

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