Health Event Download

Shalom to you,
The Health Event was AMAZING beyond words! Such a special event that was uplifting and encouraging and helping many with their Health. The event was so special with such unity and love for each other. We have updated the event to include a number of imporant things to help believers with their health and wellbeing.
You might also want to donate to download the AMAZING Battle Cry Event. – Click Here
We want His people to take back their health into their own hands with NO FEAR and we know you can do this without being fearful.
A Health Event – When there is No Doctor/hospital what you will do- Come to the Event and find out how you can save yourself and family.
During this event you will learn how to deal with serious situations, heart attacks, strokes, broken legs and arms, how to do stitches and stop bleeding and so much more. We want you FREED from bondage, to enable you to do this yourself.
This is being done for believers so that they do not have to walk in fear. A time is coming when there will be NO Doctors or hospitals for any help, and this is why this Event is so urgent and important for you and your family. This is aimed toward giving you the information to rescue your health and that of your loved ones -that is why we are putting it together.
“Who is like YHWH our Elohim, Who is enthroned on high?
He looks down on the shamayim and in the earth;
He raises the poor out of the dust, Lifts the needy from a dunghill,”
Tehillim / Psalms 113:5-7

James Block (music), Todd Bennet, Lucinda Robinson, Paul Nison, Dr. Darrell Carr, Stacey Fitzgerald, Shanna Carlan, Ernest Hoppe, Cheri Brannon and a Medical/Natural Doctor Shalom, Field Medic, Naturopath and YES a midwife.
During the event you will learn how to deal with serious medical situations: heart attacks and heart issues, blocked arteries, strokes, broken limbs, type two diabetes, gut, bowel, liver, thyroid and many other health issues. Other topics include eating the Biblical way, what is in your food, GMO & labelling, raw food advice, nutrition expertise, essential oils, survival in hard times, herbalism and much more!
For those that did not donate for a ticket to the Health Event you may donate whatever you feel to get a download of the recorded Event and watch it on your computer. Your donation will also go toward helping the poor and needy. Those that donated for a ticket are entitled to a free download of the Event – Kindly email us if you would like a copy of the recording.
We want to say a big, heartfelt, deep thank you to those that supported the Health Event that was raising funds for a Food Bank in the USA. We are so thankful and grateful that you would support this special and urgent work. But you can choose where you want your donation to do on the form below.
It really brings tears to our eyes that you took the time to read about the Health Event and supported this work with your donation. It really touched our hearts deeply, and we know those we help are very thankful and grateful.
If you know anyone that would like the download and did not donate for a ticket can you kindly refer them to the link below to donate for a copy. Their donation will help the Indian Torah School that we have known for over 10 years, set up by a USA brother who has lived in India for 25 years and set up the School. We will be working on a video and page about his amazing and honest work. Not only educating children but teaching them the Torah, Shabbat and Festivals. The funds from the download will go to helping orphans and the truly poor to attend this school.

The Heath Event, which has never been done before, was amazing and so incredible and was so peaceful and special.
Please know you are not funding wages, lifestyles or any material items for us. These things mean nothing to us, the four sisters who have done this work for 10 years. We live a basic and simple life, living in tiny dwellings with just the bare necessities and love to serve the Father in this way and also in giving His Word freely to those in need.
Thank you so much once again for all you have done, may the Most High show you favor always.
Kindly fill out the small form below and donate for the download and it will be sent out to you. It can only be viewed on one computer, so kindly choose one computer you will download to. You will have the download of the event for life on your one computer.
Thank you,
The United In Yah Team
**Windows 10 and 11 Only**
Please Note: These videos can be downloaded to your computer . At the moment this is avaialble for Windows Computers Only. The digital download works on Windows PC only and not on mobile phones.
The cost of making these available on iOS Computers is to the tune of $3000 and we do not have that kind of resources at the moment.
Consent: By downloading the Health Event Online Videos you are aware that this only works on Windows PCs and not on iOS devices or mobile phones. Any donations made are non-refundable.