India Torah School
For Believers who want to prepare…

Sponsored Children 2023
HalleluYah, praises to the Most High! It is our pleasure to give you an update on the work that you donated for through the Sister’s Event and through the website.
In this update, Tony also mentions the 13 students some of you sponsored for a year. They are so grateful and thankful to those who helped them for the year. So much joy came from their hearts and they will do their best with their studies for the year, as they know the cost that was paid for them to attend. He also shared the following that UIY sent funds for:
1. Painting the first floor of our school, about 4000 sq.ft – Completed
Here is an update on the work that has been done for the India Torah School in India in pictures and a message from Brother Tony.
We have completed the painting of our school that the United In Yah team has sent funds for. Below are some pictures. We are doing work on the retainer wall for our land and I will send pictures of that later. The new school year starts on June 12 so we are happy to have the 13 students you have sponsored. Later I will send pictures of them and their progress educationally. In YHWH, Tony
We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support of the India Torah School in India.
India Torah School New Kitchen – Work Started
A month or so back an experienced mason came and looked over our plans for the construction of our proposed addition to our kitchen. The Kitchen room would be about 13x14ft. It would be made of cement and iron. We would need to purchase the sand, small stones, cement, bricks, iron rods, electricals and plumbing. Then labor for implementing all that into the kitchen room.
Putting in the basement pillars and beams would about 30 or so bags of cement. With the cement, sand, small stones, and iron rods and labor, the pillars and basement beams will cost about $900.00 or so. The bricks and materials and labor for the walls will be about $600.00. Cement and iron slab roof will be about $1400.00. The Electricals and plumbing.. maybe $500.00. Doors and windows about $400.00. Then painting everything.. walls, doors and windows.. $200.00. So total 900+600+1400+500+400+200=$4000.00
We have sent them $1500 so far.
You can see the status of our kitchen construction for our school in the photos. So far you have sent us $1500.00 for this project. It will take a total of $4000.00 to complete. So, we need $2500.00, we can get the cement slab roof constructed and finish this job for the children. Brother Tony and his small team and the children are very thankful and grateful for the help. It has made a huge difference. You can donate on the donation page and mention you would like to help finish thie project.
HalleluYah to be able to help Brother Tony’s India Torah School. Brother Tony left the USA around 25 years ago and started the Torah School for the very poor and needy including orphans. He forsook marriage and family to dedicate his life to the Father and work in India. He felt education was important and that many Indian children in very poor areas do not have the means to be educated in a way that will benefit themselves and family if they had a family.

Brother Tony visits many believers to encourage them in India. Brother Mosheh has a huge program that helps many hundreds of widows, orphans & lepers, and the very poor and needy. HalleluYah Scriptures has been able to help Brother Mosheh and his work since 2016 and United In Yah has helped Brother Mosheh for 18 months with Battle Cry Event funds.
Other Help In India
Brother Harim
UIY supporters helped this Elder who has a group in India. Brother Harim also looks after his daughter and grandson as the dad of this family became of ill. Thank you UIY supporters for taking care of this family. They topped up their little shop so that they can continue to survive.
Brother David’s False Leg Provided For – Enjoy
Shalom to all,
Here are some pictures of Pastor David Mandru getting his new leg fitted at the doctor’s office. There are three photos of his leg plus a video. Then there is his handwritten letter of appreciation written in Telugu. I have typed the translation in English for all to read.
Photographs of the 13 children that have been sponsored, We are working on getting updated pictures for you all.
In Mashiach Yahshua,
Brother Tony
Letter Tranlation –

Brother Tony has adopted orphans and bought them up over the past 25 years as well. We have been honored to help Brother Tony through you, the United In Yah supporters. A very special heartfelt thank you from he and his team.
So far you, the UIY supporters, have sponsored 13 Children that will attend the India Torah School for the coming new year that starts in June 2023. You have given a great opportunity to these children, and they are so very grateful and thank Yah because of you.

What has also been covered as well from the Sisters Event donations:
1. Painting the first floor of our school, about 4000 sq.ft. – $600.00 – Completed
2. Retainer wall in ditch side of land to stop erosion and loss of land – $1400.00 – Completed
These are other needs for the Torah School and we used some funds that were donated toward some of these costs.
3. Compound wall and gate at front of the School and the Bus ramp – $3,300.00 – Completed
4. Extra Kitchen room – $4000-$5000 depending on how the build progresses. Our current room is too small, and for some to sit and eat we need room. – $1500 donated towards this work

We pray you see the wonderful work that has been done and give all praise to the Most High, for truly, it is He that does this great work through you, His children.
Thank you so much!
The United In Yah Team.