We pray you are all well. As most of you will know, Israel is at war and this will inevitably get much worse as we near the latter days. We have believers in Israel that live there and also visiting there and who need our urgent prayer.
Some of them have been in bunkers for periods of time and some are in and out of bunkers. What they are concerned about is food, warm clothing, first aid kits and blankets. Some share their hearts below.
“Thank you for asking. We have had a large number of sirens and rockets going off. A good number are in the bomb shelter with us. We have turns to go and get food and warmer clothing or each other. The fear and tears are flowing, and we need your prayers.”
“At the main airport many are trying to get out and many are so scared as the rockets are going off all around and you never know if they will hit us.”

Another shares that, “The people in Israel have ignored the political arguments and debates that were dividing the nation and people, thus are all split, and no one is agreeing. It seems that we were divided and not standing strong together which we should. There are many loss of lives and families are heartbroken.”
And another: “Please remember the soldiers in your prayers as they have to go out and fight for the people and country.
Most importantly please pray that the will of Yah be done in Israel, and that these devastating events would lead many to Truth.”
“Sadly this war will continue for a very long time, with many more lives being taken, this is only the start. We will trust in Yah and know that Israel will be saved”

A number we know personally are safe, but are concerned, as some are close to the border of Gaza. They are trusting in the Father. Food will become hard to get as the Government has shut down power and food supplies in Gaza and surrounding areas. We feel through prayer and contacts, that there will be a shortage of food and supplies for His people. Many do not want to go out, as they are worried. There are other countries moving toward the borders or on the border of Israel that are threatening Israel. Pray pray for His people who follow and obey.
We feel we need to move on this now and not leave it too late and are appointing contacts in Israel to start to stockpile food and supplies for His people. If we leave it late and make a mistake then it could cost lives, it is wise to plan ahead. We are calling this:

Operation Israel
We stand with His people in Israel and pray you consider supporting this operation with prayer, fasting, and donations, as this will affect us all because what happens in Israel, happens to us as a body.
“If I forget you, O Yerushalayim, Let my right hand forget. Let my tongue cleave to my palate, If I do not remember you, If I do not exalt Yerushalayim Above my chief joy.” ~ Tehillah/Psalm 137:5-6
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Thank you,
UIY Team